Tuesday hike

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Beautiful day for a hike at the Makapu'u Point Lighthouse Trail, Ricky slept most of the time in his Ergo, which I now wear on my back because it gives me better balance and it gets less hot. This hike was not too difficult and perfectly safe to do with kids and even strollers. 

Christmas pictures

Monday, November 25, 2013

We had a busy weekend, but the weather has been amazing and I had a lot of fun taking pictures for our neighbors and good friends. I love taking pictures of family and friends and editing (just a little) of course it is nothing like the professionals but it's fun. Last year the talented Amanda Berube  took our Christmas pictures, this year Alyson Lofgren took our pictures and I love them. I use a Nikon 500 and Pic Monkey to edit pictures, if you find yourself in a bind and can't book a photographer or just want to save some money get some friends to take your pictures and get creative! Here are our pictures and one that I took this weekend :)
Thank you Alyson for making us look this good 

This is my favorite! look at that little face

Look at this little cutie 

Celebrating Paul's 28th Birthday

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tomorrow is my husbands 28th birthday but since he has to be at work until late tomorrow we celebrated tonight. I made him his favorite meal, which he didn't know was his favorite until he meet me :) My awesome enchiladas, which I only make on special occasions. I went with practical gifts since we have a baby now and Christmas is coming up and we like to save big gifts for that occasion. The best part of celebrating his birthday this year was that Ricky was able to join in on the fun and he really enjoyed singing Happy Birthday and seeing the candles lit.
Love this picture 

so many candles (oooo!)

Happy Birthday Paul! We love you 

It's beginning to look a lot like.....It's still November!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I might be alone on this one but Thanksgiving is in another week and in my book that means that everything Christmas is off limits! until after Thanksgiving of course. We will be visiting another island for Thanksgiving so in case I forget here is my list of things I am thankful for:

1. My family
2. My friends
3. My health
4. That I get to live in Hawaii
5. That I have the luxury to be a stay at home mom
 Living for today, not worrying about tomorrow and trusting God to take care of the rest.

Stop and "smell the turkey"! 
SO thankful for my cute little turkey! love him

                                                   What are you thankful for?

Tuesday morning

Pillbox, the second time around and I have a feeling there will be many more visits.

New favorite way to wear the baby. Tomorrow is Wednesday! Happy Early birthday to our favorite Dad and husband.

The weekend

I was officially off on Sunday, all moms should have a day off. I wasn't feeling well so I decided to just let the mess be a mess and these days that means toys and whatever else Ricky can get his hands on scattered across the floor. He is so active and curious it's amazing because he is still so little and I need about every ounce of energy I have to keep up and he's not even walking yet! I spent Saturday killing myself at the gym and then paid for it every time I went upstairs, on Sunday I felt like I had contracted some fatal disease. There should be a law against moms getting sick, I am feeling a lot better and ventured out on my first ever mommy and baby date! that by the way means some other mommies and me went shopping and for lunch all the while taking up all the aisles in stores with out strollers, then we took a whole bench to breast feed ( it was awesome). I am going to my first ever masquerade (yay!) so of course I had to get a dress.

I love chubby baby legs! As you can see my house is super clean and orderly and Ricky is getting bigger by the day. I especially love how he looks with that little hat. Hope that you all had an amazing weekend. ALOHA!

Campfire game

Friday, November 15, 2013

Happy Friday! 
I hope everyone has an AMAZING weekend, the holidays are getting so close I can taste the pumpkin pie. These days the weather has cooled down a bit so we use our fire pit, nothing fancy just one I got for $30! last year at Target for black Friday. By the way when I say cool down I mean, like 65 degrees (brrrr!) for Hawaii anyway :) There is  a little game I came up with and I am sure there are a lot of variations out there but this is how I like to play:

The quiet game:

1. First rule is there is no TALKING
2. There is no LAUGHING
3. There is no facial expressions of any kind accepted

Those are the rules, now the fun part. 
One person in the group is "it" meaning they will do everything humanly possible to break you. The first person who "breaks" (by violating one of the rules) has now become the assistant. This goes on until there is only one person left. Only the strongest survive! I am always the first to break of course, I find everything hysterical. This was seriously such a blast, give it a try! 

As always, have an amazeballs weekend everyone!  

Baby's first Christmas

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I was just over on Little baby garvin and she has tons of cute baby ideas for Christmas. I am trying to resist the urge to start decorating, it's killing me that all my favorite stores have decorations out already. I usually go shopping for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving (black friday) but this year we are spending Thanksgiving on Kuai and I am going to have to start early :) I am so excited for Christmas, more than usual because it's Ricky's first one and seeing everything through his eyes is so special. It's like experiencing holidays from a new perspective. I want to start traditions and make it the best Christmas, just for him. We will be spending Christmas with my family in California and it will be the perfect chance to wear some cute fleece and super warm, fun clothes.

Here are some super cute outfits for the babes, including the girls ( LOVE the ruffle butt tights). They are all from baby GAP:

The must do things for babies first Christmas according to me :)

1. Wear super cute, warm pj's everyday in December.

2. Start the Elf on a shelf tradition, even if it's just for us right now. I plan to take pictures for his baby book :)

3. Decorate the nursery (Im going to go nuts with this one). Check out Little Baby Garvin for cute nursery ideas.

4. Read Christmas books every night before bed, FYI Barnes and Noble has a buy 2 get one FREE Dr. Seuss special going on!

5. Enjoy every moment! My little dude won't be so little for long.

What are some Christmas traditions in your family?

Day at the park

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hope everyone had a great weekend, it's beginning to look a lot like winter around here! and by winter I mean its about 70 degrees and the winds have picked up so these days I can wear jeans and maybe a sweater at night time. We had a great weekend complete with a night around the fire pit, telling ghost stories O: and we cheated a little bit tonight and watched Home Alone! hands down one of the best Christmas movies EVER! Can't wait! here are some pictures of our little Veterans day picnic at the park.
my awesome tote from the snail mail collective ;)

Diamond Head view

Highly recommend this go-pod 

I wish I had brought a better lens, it was great surf.

I hope you all had a wonderful Veterans day! Can't wait for Christmas, what are you looking forward to the most?

For this child we prayed

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I have been meaning to write this post for about six months and finally got around to it, mainly because I wasn't sure if I wanted to write it at all. Let me explain: I don't like to be a cause for pity and I don't throw myself pity parties, if something unpleasant happens I deal with it and move on,that being said this morning when I walked downstairs and saw my precious baby boy sleeping peacefully with his aunt, I realized that I am so very blessed. Not that it's any ones business but Ricky is a real miracle baby in my opinion, we prayed very hard and went on fertility medication to get pregnant with him. I know this is a common struggle from talking with other military wives, it's a hard thing to feel young and healthy and still not be able to conceive. If you find yourself struggling with infertility, you have my deep respect and sympathy. The only thing I can say is don't loose hope and keep praying, miracles really do happen every day. :)

I bought this when I got pregnant, just to remind myself of how blessed we are and not take it for granted.

A quick 30 minute work-out for busy moms

Monday, November 4, 2013

I made it a whole week thus far of working out, the days I miss the gym I go for a run in our neighborhood. I have to workout after baby goes to bed which these days varies from between 7 and 8. The whole working out in the morning doesn't work for me because he always wakes up before 7am and then I am too tired to even think about working out and I am not really a morning person. It helps that I have a work out buddy, but some days we miss each other and I have to make myself just do it. One day I literally had 30 minutes to workout and I decided that even that little amount of time for myself was better than nothing ;)

I drive to the Pearl Harbor gym and run or do elliptical for 15 minutes, then I do 3 sets of bench press (15 reps) followed by 3 sets of dips (15 reps) and final arm workout is 3 sets of curls (15reps). I start with 10lbs and have gotten to 20lbs in one week. Start with what ever weight you want, just as long as you start! Finally I finish up with planks (2minutes) go for two rounds. That's it! Tomorrow we have a leg workout.


bench press


Now go get it girls! 

Six month update

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ricky is six months old and he is just growing up too fast. I don't have any numbers for her weight or height because he doesn't have his appointment for another week.

Six months proudest moment for daddy: Putting baby down for a nap, while mommy slept in!

Proudest moment for mommy: We went on a full scale shopping trip and this little guy just sat in the shopping cart being a perfect angel. No tantrums or crying, I was so proud.

Here are a list of our favorite things right now:

A rainy day at the beach

Friday, November 1, 2013

It seems rainy season is upon us :( no sunny beach in site this afternoon so we took off to the north shore to watch some kite surfing!

Wish I would have brought my camera. Have a nice weekend everyone! 

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