The weekend

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I was officially off on Sunday, all moms should have a day off. I wasn't feeling well so I decided to just let the mess be a mess and these days that means toys and whatever else Ricky can get his hands on scattered across the floor. He is so active and curious it's amazing because he is still so little and I need about every ounce of energy I have to keep up and he's not even walking yet! I spent Saturday killing myself at the gym and then paid for it every time I went upstairs, on Sunday I felt like I had contracted some fatal disease. There should be a law against moms getting sick, I am feeling a lot better and ventured out on my first ever mommy and baby date! that by the way means some other mommies and me went shopping and for lunch all the while taking up all the aisles in stores with out strollers, then we took a whole bench to breast feed ( it was awesome). I am going to my first ever masquerade (yay!) so of course I had to get a dress.

I love chubby baby legs! As you can see my house is super clean and orderly and Ricky is getting bigger by the day. I especially love how he looks with that little hat. Hope that you all had an amazing weekend. ALOHA!

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