A quick 30 minute work-out for busy moms

Monday, November 4, 2013

I made it a whole week thus far of working out, the days I miss the gym I go for a run in our neighborhood. I have to workout after baby goes to bed which these days varies from between 7 and 8. The whole working out in the morning doesn't work for me because he always wakes up before 7am and then I am too tired to even think about working out and I am not really a morning person. It helps that I have a work out buddy, but some days we miss each other and I have to make myself just do it. One day I literally had 30 minutes to workout and I decided that even that little amount of time for myself was better than nothing ;)

I drive to the Pearl Harbor gym and run or do elliptical for 15 minutes, then I do 3 sets of bench press (15 reps) followed by 3 sets of dips (15 reps) and final arm workout is 3 sets of curls (15reps). I start with 10lbs and have gotten to 20lbs in one week. Start with what ever weight you want, just as long as you start! Finally I finish up with planks (2minutes) go for two rounds. That's it! Tomorrow we have a leg workout.


bench press


Now go get it girls! 

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