Day at the park

Monday, November 11, 2013

Hope everyone had a great weekend, it's beginning to look a lot like winter around here! and by winter I mean its about 70 degrees and the winds have picked up so these days I can wear jeans and maybe a sweater at night time. We had a great weekend complete with a night around the fire pit, telling ghost stories O: and we cheated a little bit tonight and watched Home Alone! hands down one of the best Christmas movies EVER! Can't wait! here are some pictures of our little Veterans day picnic at the park.
my awesome tote from the snail mail collective ;)

Diamond Head view

Highly recommend this go-pod 

I wish I had brought a better lens, it was great surf.

I hope you all had a wonderful Veterans day! Can't wait for Christmas, what are you looking forward to the most?

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