Saturday morning rant ( it's a long one)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee and missing my mac book, this computer is not only slow but has a horrible keyboard. In hindsight it was my fault for not bringing it, but I just couldn't handle going through airport security with a baby, a stroller, a car set and electronics. I just dawned on me last night that I am no longer TSA precheck, which means I know have to stand in long lines, take off my shoes and have my breast milk strip checked ( really?) why would I feed my baby that milk after you stuck some random chemical strip in it?!! anyway I guess I will just deal. Ricky is going through a growth spurt, which means he wakes up about four times throughout the night. I don't mind it because he is still breastfeeding and it is too easy to just pull him up next to me BUT last night he would not go back to sleep, which resulted in me rocking him until he dozed off. It was grueling to get up with him this morning. Thank God, my mom took him off my hands for a little while so I could get some coffee in me. After he finally fell asleep last night, I could not go back to sleep. Instead my thoughts drifted to an argument Paul and I had several days ago,let me begin by saying I saw this coming but it still stung a little. It was about money, January 1st will be the first time I will not be receiving a paycheck, I have been working since I was 17. Realizing that we are a one income family now, is hard not because I am not willing to make changes to my spending but because I know that at any moment I can be denied something I want. The line he delivered went something like " it's my money, so I  can spend it how I want". Since then he has apologized but it has not stopped me from thinking about getting a job, even thought I already have one. The other night I went to bed at 8 and he asked me to stay up later he said he was staying up and had to be at work at 6:30 so I said " I have to be at work in two hours" ( yeah, I'm a smart ass) but it's true! -

                    Signed, tired stay at home mom

New year, new blog name?

Friday, December 27, 2013

I've been thinking up some new names for my blog, but I can't really decide. It seems like all the good ones are taken, haha. I wonder if I could just keep it, I mean I don't want to be deceiving but hey I've worked hard on this blog and I like it! Anyone have any suggestions?!!!

Christmas in California

I hope that you all had an amazing Christmas. Two years ago I had to spend Christmas away from all my loved ones and it was very hard so to all of you that are serving over seas, Thank You. This year we were fortunate enough to spend Christmas in California with my family and thanks to them Ricky had a great first Christmas. I am so excited to keep watching this little guy grow and learn and very blessed to have a family who loves us so much.

you can never love Christmas too much

Who needs Santa, when you have grandma 

New blanket, grandma needs  to stop.

Seven years and six months

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

That is how long I served in the United States Army, time to move on with it. The first order of business is to get blonde highlights that are extremely out of regulation, followed by never waking up at the crack of dawn again (except for when Ricky needs me). Having fun, bright colors on my nails every day! and finally taking a VACATION! a long one like over a month. That's right a California vacation, a little trip to Las Vegas and ending with a little stop over in Georgia. Of course this also means I have to change the name on the blog, but that can wait I have some serious packing to do :) For now I would like to share what my amazing husband did for me, he put this together and surprised me with it at our ugly Christmas sweater party.

It all sums up to this

Seven years and six months of hard work that left me with the life long impression that I can do just about anything... or at least try

Late weekend recap

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Getting ready to leave Hawaii for a month, I call it the " I got out of the Army tour" since for the past seven years I have been moving around and seeing my family and friends about once a year. My dad will finally get to meet Ricky and so will  Paul's dad ( who Ricky is named after) Anyway more on that later, here is all the action from this weekend :)

Holiday party that left me useless the next day (champagne)

snow in HI!

He tried to eat it right after I snapped this picture 
There was also an ugly Christmas sweater party in the mix but I was so busy hosting that I ended up making one last minute and it was not the best :/ These however where amazing:


Ricky's Christmas wish list

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

This month is just flying by, it's stressing me out. I made myself Christmas shop this week , and except for a few people on my list I can say that I am done! (halfway) By far the hardest has been the two people in my life closest to me, Ricky and my husband. .I know that he is just a baby ( Ricky not my husband) but I want to make the best purchases. Meaning I want to buy him quality toys that will last and that he won't get over playing with after a couple of days. Now I am guilty of making impulse baby toy purchases and I am NOT doing that for his gifts, I went online and did tons of online research and here are the top toys in the age group from 6-12 months. I don't want to buy a toy he won't be interested in once he gets a little older, but I also want to get something he can enjoy now so it's a little tricky. By the way the carrier, that one is totally a present to myself ;)

Chico carrier ,VTeach touch and learn musical bee,early years roll and swirl ramp,lamaze take and go firefly,VTech sit to stand discovery table , jumping plush dog,SkipHop bath toy organizer

I am most excited about letting him open presents before Christmas, I want to let him open all his big gift before we head to California next week. I really hope I did a good job and he loves these toys. What's on your babies list this Christmas? 

Honolulu City Lights

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We made it downtown to see the lights and Christmas decorations on a beautiful, super humid night! It really was way too hot to be wearing jeans so we caught a couple of pictures, had some malasadas and went on our way.

Weekend recap

Monday, December 9, 2013

Our first Holiday weekend started off with going to the annual Honolulu city lights parade, we go every year and this year we braved it with a baby. I was ready for it to be outrageous but it was not too bad. We happened to get good (free) parking, which is a huge deal if you have ever tried to park downtown Honolulu on a Saturday night. We brought Ricky is his stroller and someone maneuvered through the crowds of hundreds of people ( it was nuts!) we forgot the Ergo in the car (ugh) but luckily Ricky let me hold him the whole time and he was amazingly well behaved through the entire parade. I look so forward to him being old enough to really enjoy Christmas lights and festivities. 

of course he has spit up, only my baby 
Mom, can we go home now?

On Sunday morning we went out to the Kaneohe Bay sandbar on a boat and it was so much fun, I love that Ricky enjoys being in the water so much.

babies at the beach

Friday, December 6, 2013

Took a little hike to an awesome little beach today, there was no one there and it was so beautiful we let  the babies jump right in the water. Since we didn't  mean to actually go in the water we didn't have swimmers so we opted to go all natural! and it was the best. The babies had huge smiles and we had a blast.

I love this!
Naked baby! Ricky is going to kill me one day

Making your Christmas tree safe

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I just finished reading an article about making Christmas trees safe if you have an active toddler or a crawler (like I do). Here are some tips that I found very useful, this is our first Christmas with a baby so I am glad I came across them.

* Hang sharp or breakable ornaments, as well as any decorations with tiny parts, high enough on the tree that your tot can't get to them.

* don't use decorations that look like candy or food that way they won't be tempted to put them in their mouths.

* Create a barrier around the tree with a baby gate or you can use empty diaper boxes, filled with books, wrap them up and stack them around the tree.

* LED lights get less hot so they won't burn baby hands!
Last Christmas, when I had expensive highlights and our dog was our only kid lol 

Thankscation recap

Monday, December 2, 2013

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We are back on Oahu, and yes that is Thanksgiving and vacation combined ( I stole it from a friend). I am beyond happy to be home, hotel rooms, airplanes and storms are NOT cool with a baby. We did have fun and got to see some amazing sights but we also happened to be there for a horrible storm, the power at our hotel went out and I swear I thought the roof would come down. All the flights were delayed when we got to the airport and we ended up waiting for 7 long hours to fly the 20 minutes that it takes to get home, it was frustrating :/ ENOUGH of my rants, I am thankful that we got to experience another island and that our little boy has been exposed to traveling, hiking and beautiful beaches. I know he doesn't know it now but one day it will be wonderful to share the memories.

Queens bath hike 

The storm 

Wink ;)

Add caption

We didn't fall once 

I hope you all have a great week! Let the Christmas decorating begin!

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