Weekend recap

Monday, December 9, 2013

Our first Holiday weekend started off with going to the annual Honolulu city lights parade, we go every year and this year we braved it with a baby. I was ready for it to be outrageous but it was not too bad. We happened to get good (free) parking, which is a huge deal if you have ever tried to park downtown Honolulu on a Saturday night. We brought Ricky is his stroller and someone maneuvered through the crowds of hundreds of people ( it was nuts!) we forgot the Ergo in the car (ugh) but luckily Ricky let me hold him the whole time and he was amazingly well behaved through the entire parade. I look so forward to him being old enough to really enjoy Christmas lights and festivities. 

of course he has spit up, only my baby 
Mom, can we go home now?

On Sunday morning we went out to the Kaneohe Bay sandbar on a boat and it was so much fun, I love that Ricky enjoys being in the water so much.

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