Four months

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ricky is four months old today. It seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant with this kiddo.

Stats: 17lbs, 23in

Favorite toy: Anything he can get his little hands on, he likes pulling stuff right off the dinner table( plates,spoons,cups)

Least Favorite Activity: Napping, it’s a struggle and riding in the car seat.Favorite 

Activity: Munching on banana pieces and being carried in the Ergo.

My proudest moment: He went in the pool for the first time and he loved it, he was just chilling out trying to drink all the water.

Not so proud moment: We went out to get dinner and he spit up all over the table, I mean like serious spit up. I think we grossed some people out.

Nicknames: Ricky bear, stinky bear, munchkin.


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