Colorado trip: Part I

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hey everyone! we are back in Hawaii, hurray for warm weather. I am so tired, but I wanted to write this post while everything was still fresh in my mind. Lets begin with the flight to Denver, this was Ricky's first flight. He did amazing, he slept the whole time( this was an overnight flight). Once we got to Denver we realized that we would need lots of chap stick, lotion and that we are way out of shape. That elevation kicked out butts, I was worried about Ricky getting dehydrated and being at risk for altitude sickness. He seemed to sleep a LOT, which was good but also worried me, in between feedings I gave him water and pedialyte just to be on the safe side. I read up a lot on things to pack when traveling with a baby and I feel we did well.

This is what I packed: ( Our trip was 5 days long)

                 1) 6 pajamas 
                 2) 2 outfits per day ( consists of a onesie and pants)
                 3) 3 warm sweaters 
                 4) 2 large warm blankets
                 5) 3 small blankets
                 6) One noise maker toy (rattle) one chewing toy (teether) One rollie toy 
                 7) portable DVD player and baby Einstein videos.
                 8) 2 bottles and bottle brush 
                 9)boppy ( for baby to sleep on plane)
                10) a noise machine ( a sleep CD for the car as well)
                11) car seat and stroller
                12) baby Tylenol
                13) pacifier
                14) Ergo 
Things that I packed and did not use:

Bumbo with tray 
changing pad
baby thermometer 
baby shoes
baby sunscreen 
bowl and spoon
baby food 

Things I wish I had brought:
A&D ointment 
1 Large bag instead of a baby bag and my purse

The first day there we did some sleeping and then dinner, Denver has a LOT of breweries and local restaurants. The city itself is so overwhelming, it looks like there is so much to do and the weather was just amazing. I loved the cool air there was pumpkins everywhere! 

Here are some pictures from our Denver adventure:


First ever give away!!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mondays are no fun so hopefully this makes your day. I recently discovered this Etsy shop and I am in love. It's hard to find diver related memorabilia on the island for a decent price and if you do order form the mainland shipping is outrageous! This shop has fair prices, super fast shipping and it's only about $5 to get things shipped. They also have great customer service, I got a reply within 24hrs of emailing her. this is he site

Here are some of her items:

The Entry form is at the bottom of the page and it starts at midnight :) 
good luck everyone!

The Weekend

Sunday, September 22, 2013

  It's Sunday afternoon and after a day of church and football we getting some rest because tomorrow it's back to the grind. This weekend we tried to stay low key since we have a very busy week ahead of us, we are headed for Colorado on Tuesday for a whole five days. I can't wait to wear fall clothes! I will take lots of pictures and I am so excited for my good friends Carly and Steven to be united forever in marriage. Carly's bachelorette was last night and it was good to dress up a little and   put on some make up. I don't wear make up on a daily basis and when I'm not in uniform I am wearing yoga pants and t-shirts. Also made some cool bleach pen shirts, which I had been dying to make. They turned out pretty good and are so simple.

This is how mine turned out:

This is the Tutorial I followed

Sorry for the inappropriate items. Hopefully you get a good laugh, this is from the Party.

                                      Watching the Falcons game with these two

                                 Then he decided to sleep ( I think that's why we lost)

Have a great Monday! We will be blogging all the way from Colorado next week :)

AND as an extra bonus we will be giving away these adorable onesies ( stay tuned)
Ricky just got his and I am sooooo excited to try them on him

Life right now

Friday, September 20, 2013

Life right now is interesting to say the least, the husband just got shoulder surgery, the baby is sleep training and there is a wedding back in the main land in less than four days! I am one who is always up for an adventure but man I am tired. I try to cope by spending a little time with me, myself and I. Taking baths, reading my favorite blogs late at night and lighting pumpkin spice candles :) The past couple of days have been hard and I know that traveling with the baby and an injured husband will be hard but it has also made me realize how many blessings I have. My husband has been nothing but wonderful, he’s in pain but fights it and still helps as much as he can (with one arm). My sister (by marriage) has a horrible sinus infection but she still does dishes and takes great care of Ricky while I’m at work. Truly I am blessed to have a healthy family and the strength to be able to keep working and still have energy to come home and make a nice meal. Sometimes you just have to stop amiss the chaos of life and just appreciate.  
  Baths with pumpkin pie body wash and pumpkin carving  from bath and body works

             Poppin bottles!.. on a friday night haha just coffee so I don't die and some breast milk for Ricky
My Love always makes me laugh! this is before surgery and I was a little worried (this was his response) It made me :) 

Just something that hopefully makes you smile

Have a great weekend everyone! OH and check out this link, she has a great blog and she is doing a giveaway :) 

Why we stopped co sleeping

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I recently "kicked" the baby out of our bed and here is why:

I realized that we are an ever moving family who likes to travel and my husband and I love spending time out with friends and family. Within the next few months we will be traveling and spending time with family. My husband is having surgery soon and he will be spending a lot of time in bed recovering. I just don't see how we can keep Ricky in our bed anymore, I'm afraid that if I don't start sleep training him he won't be able to sleep on planes, cars, hotels and any other random place we happen to find ourselves. After deciding this I hastily bought a book (won't mention the name) to help me sleep train him. Let me save you some money and just say that all you need to know is that you have to  be ready. You need to understand that babies are all different, they have personalities of their own and even if the baby down the street sleeps eight hours every night, that does NOT mean you are failing somewhere. Just know that it takes patience and even after you get a schedule down, babies grow, they change and so do their sleeping habits. So far I have succeeded in keeping a schedule of all he does, this way I can start to see a pattern of when he gets tired and hungry. I have been doing this for two days now, this way I can make sure it's consistent. I have made him a bed time ritual (bath,boob,bed) and it's working! some nights he cries for a little while, but I have a support system ( husband) who stops me from picking him up and calmly assures me he is fine. I let him cry in five minute intervals, then walk in the room and make sure he is OK, rock him a bit and then put him down again. This has worked for me for the past 5 days (so far) in addition to the five minute intervals I turn off the lights and play soothing music. He also has a comfort blanket, this method works for naps as well. Keep your fingers crossed that this keeps working and I hope to make an independent little sleeper out of him :)

The weekend

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yay! I made it a whole 5 days without the Sailor and I didn’t loose my mind. I realize that 5 days is not a long time at all, I have gone without him before because of deployments but never with a child. My deep respect for mothers who are on their own they have a hard job. This weekend ended up being a great one, my sister-in law and I had the house to ourselves so that means a lot of Oreo eating and watching trash television, shopping and crying uncontrollably during Steel Magnolias (one of my favorites). Here are some of the things we got into this weekend.

                     Ricky loves this thing and so do I, watching some Total Divas while he plays
  I don't want to just throw Ricky in front of the tv and ignore him all day but he loves Baby Einstein and it gives me enough time to cook dinner.

                   Went out for the first time since Ricky baby came along :) 

  This crazy little sleeper, does not sleep in our bed anymore. Surprise! next blog post I     will let you all in on how and why I did it. 

Sleep Update

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I know it’s only Wednesday but this week feels too long already. Ricky is now four months old and it seems like once again he has decided to change his sleep schedule. I basically have to consume 2-3 cups of coffee everyday just to function at work. Then last night I started freaking myself out thinking…what if all this coffee I am drinking is making Ricky sleep less? But I can’t stop because I am so tired! It’s a vicious cycle! OK so maybe I am overreacting a little but at this point I am so tired that I don’t know what to do except go to bed at 7pm and start my days at 4am. The problem only gets worse because this week the SAILOR decided he was going out of town for what is now wedding number 2 this year. That means I am all on my own when he wakes up early, see we have this system where we take turns getting up with him while the other one sleeps. This week I am screwed out of that and when he does return he will be undergoing shoulder surgery. I can’t be like “hey get up with the baby” as he sleeps in his pain killer induced coma! I am royally screwed! The only saving grace in all of this and what I cling onto so I don’t lose my mind is the SISTER-IN LAW who is waking up at 7am everyday to be with Ricky while I go through the house like a zombie getting ready for work and doing small chores. I love being a mom and being married to the SAILOR but some days….some days I just want to lose it. END of rant.

weekend recap

Sunday, September 8, 2013

We started this weekend with a perfect half day at school and Ricky's first hike. You can check that out here. Then on Saturday we headed to a perfect little hideaway beach (Halona blow hole) Ricky was a little too scared of the waves there. But we had a little Ergo carrier adventure walking all over the lava rock. I swear Ergo doesn't pay me or anything but I love that carrier and so does Ricky. You can check it out here. It's a little pricey but so worth it. On Sunday we celebrated the first Falcons game of the season! we are big Atlanta Falcons fans. Then we headed to do a little beach tour so we started with Kailua and then headed to the Kahala hotel where they have a public beach with clean restrooms and free beach chairs :) they also have a pretty nice bar right on the beach ;). We decided to put Ricky in the water, and we went all out! Naked baby in the beach, lucky for me he loved it! and he didn't decide to poop in my hand while he was in there. 

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