The Weekend

Sunday, September 22, 2013

  It's Sunday afternoon and after a day of church and football we getting some rest because tomorrow it's back to the grind. This weekend we tried to stay low key since we have a very busy week ahead of us, we are headed for Colorado on Tuesday for a whole five days. I can't wait to wear fall clothes! I will take lots of pictures and I am so excited for my good friends Carly and Steven to be united forever in marriage. Carly's bachelorette was last night and it was good to dress up a little and   put on some make up. I don't wear make up on a daily basis and when I'm not in uniform I am wearing yoga pants and t-shirts. Also made some cool bleach pen shirts, which I had been dying to make. They turned out pretty good and are so simple.

This is how mine turned out:

This is the Tutorial I followed

Sorry for the inappropriate items. Hopefully you get a good laugh, this is from the Party.

                                      Watching the Falcons game with these two

                                 Then he decided to sleep ( I think that's why we lost)

Have a great Monday! We will be blogging all the way from Colorado next week :)

AND as an extra bonus we will be giving away these adorable onesies ( stay tuned)
Ricky just got his and I am sooooo excited to try them on him

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