Life right now

Friday, September 20, 2013

Life right now is interesting to say the least, the husband just got shoulder surgery, the baby is sleep training and there is a wedding back in the main land in less than four days! I am one who is always up for an adventure but man I am tired. I try to cope by spending a little time with me, myself and I. Taking baths, reading my favorite blogs late at night and lighting pumpkin spice candles :) The past couple of days have been hard and I know that traveling with the baby and an injured husband will be hard but it has also made me realize how many blessings I have. My husband has been nothing but wonderful, he’s in pain but fights it and still helps as much as he can (with one arm). My sister (by marriage) has a horrible sinus infection but she still does dishes and takes great care of Ricky while I’m at work. Truly I am blessed to have a healthy family and the strength to be able to keep working and still have energy to come home and make a nice meal. Sometimes you just have to stop amiss the chaos of life and just appreciate.  
  Baths with pumpkin pie body wash and pumpkin carving  from bath and body works

             Poppin bottles!.. on a friday night haha just coffee so I don't die and some breast milk for Ricky
My Love always makes me laugh! this is before surgery and I was a little worried (this was his response) It made me :) 

Just something that hopefully makes you smile

Have a great weekend everyone! OH and check out this link, she has a great blog and she is doing a giveaway :) 

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