Why we stopped co sleeping

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I recently "kicked" the baby out of our bed and here is why:

I realized that we are an ever moving family who likes to travel and my husband and I love spending time out with friends and family. Within the next few months we will be traveling and spending time with family. My husband is having surgery soon and he will be spending a lot of time in bed recovering. I just don't see how we can keep Ricky in our bed anymore, I'm afraid that if I don't start sleep training him he won't be able to sleep on planes, cars, hotels and any other random place we happen to find ourselves. After deciding this I hastily bought a book (won't mention the name) to help me sleep train him. Let me save you some money and just say that all you need to know is that you have to  be ready. You need to understand that babies are all different, they have personalities of their own and even if the baby down the street sleeps eight hours every night, that does NOT mean you are failing somewhere. Just know that it takes patience and even after you get a schedule down, babies grow, they change and so do their sleeping habits. So far I have succeeded in keeping a schedule of all he does, this way I can start to see a pattern of when he gets tired and hungry. I have been doing this for two days now, this way I can make sure it's consistent. I have made him a bed time ritual (bath,boob,bed) and it's working! some nights he cries for a little while, but I have a support system ( husband) who stops me from picking him up and calmly assures me he is fine. I let him cry in five minute intervals, then walk in the room and make sure he is OK, rock him a bit and then put him down again. This has worked for me for the past 5 days (so far) in addition to the five minute intervals I turn off the lights and play soothing music. He also has a comfort blanket, this method works for naps as well. Keep your fingers crossed that this keeps working and I hope to make an independent little sleeper out of him :)

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