The weekend

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yay! I made it a whole 5 days without the Sailor and I didn’t loose my mind. I realize that 5 days is not a long time at all, I have gone without him before because of deployments but never with a child. My deep respect for mothers who are on their own they have a hard job. This weekend ended up being a great one, my sister-in law and I had the house to ourselves so that means a lot of Oreo eating and watching trash television, shopping and crying uncontrollably during Steel Magnolias (one of my favorites). Here are some of the things we got into this weekend.

                     Ricky loves this thing and so do I, watching some Total Divas while he plays
  I don't want to just throw Ricky in front of the tv and ignore him all day but he loves Baby Einstein and it gives me enough time to cook dinner.

                   Went out for the first time since Ricky baby came along :) 

  This crazy little sleeper, does not sleep in our bed anymore. Surprise! next blog post I     will let you all in on how and why I did it. 

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