Sleep Update

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I know it’s only Wednesday but this week feels too long already. Ricky is now four months old and it seems like once again he has decided to change his sleep schedule. I basically have to consume 2-3 cups of coffee everyday just to function at work. Then last night I started freaking myself out thinking…what if all this coffee I am drinking is making Ricky sleep less? But I can’t stop because I am so tired! It’s a vicious cycle! OK so maybe I am overreacting a little but at this point I am so tired that I don’t know what to do except go to bed at 7pm and start my days at 4am. The problem only gets worse because this week the SAILOR decided he was going out of town for what is now wedding number 2 this year. That means I am all on my own when he wakes up early, see we have this system where we take turns getting up with him while the other one sleeps. This week I am screwed out of that and when he does return he will be undergoing shoulder surgery. I can’t be like “hey get up with the baby” as he sleeps in his pain killer induced coma! I am royally screwed! The only saving grace in all of this and what I cling onto so I don’t lose my mind is the SISTER-IN LAW who is waking up at 7am everyday to be with Ricky while I go through the house like a zombie getting ready for work and doing small chores. I love being a mom and being married to the SAILOR but some days….some days I just want to lose it. END of rant.

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