Getting my body back

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I've been absent from my blog for the most part because I always think of something to write and think it's a great idea, when I finally sit down to write it, I draw a blank.

For the other part I've been absent because I went back to working out, not like the usual jog in the morning or walking the dog (although, that counts). It's more like going to the gym twice a day for at least an hour. Next week starts the real torture when I begin my "boot camp" sessions on top of twice a day workouts. Not only am I extremely sore but I also am having the best time, my stress level is way down, I have more energy to do things around the house and play with Ricky.

I really do feel amazing and even  if I never go back to looking like I did before I was pregnant (stretch marks will never go away) I'm okay with that.  Im still the usual me, in classic Gaby mode last night I went to yoga class and since I dressed in a hurry, my yoga pants were inside out! I had dinner about an hour before and all that stretching you know, what happened ( I let one go). I was trying not to laugh out loud and I'm pretty sure everyone heard but you wouldn't know it was me, because I just held my pose like a yoga master. Then I laughed about it all the way home and I am going back next week!

Before baby 

9 Months pregnant

Still working on after baby

12 in 2014

yikes! it's almost the end of May, but better late than never.

I can't get him to stand still, he is on the move and a total mess. I keep telling myself that it's ok that we now have goldfish crackers in every part of our house, we have a dog if I miss some he will find them, right?

Military spouse appreciation day: Being married to a Navy Diver

Friday, May 9, 2014

This is NOT going to be about the hardships of being a military spouse, Paul was in the Navy when I met him, I choose to marry him and have a baby with him. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. This post is about the women who are Navy Diver spouses and the amazing support that we give one another. I can only write about what I know, "you can't take the deep sea out of the diver" we have to be willing to accept that their quest for adventure doesn't stop when they leave the sea. They are a proud group of guys (and girls) who work hard but also play hard. I learned that really quick when I started dating Paul, it was fun and exciting in a way that I was not accustomed to. With the years things have changed, he's a father now but he still has the same personality. It takes a special kind of person to be a Navy Diver but an even more special person to be a Navy Diver wife. 

I appreciate all military spouses, but especially Navy Diver wives because where ever I have gone they treat me like a friend, offer me help and support. They are the only group of women that could ever understand the experiences that come with being married to a Navy Diver. Thank you ladies for proudly wearing the blue and gold :) 

Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day!

That's my diver ;)

Stolen Idea for a post: Taking stock

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I read a list like this one today on Mybabybirds, I read her blog everyday :) today she had this post and I thought it would be really fun to fill it out. 
Making : The best use of Ricky's 2hour mid-day nap :)
Reading:blogs, of course 
Wanting: a new purse/diaper bag 
Cooking :hot wings so we can watch the NFL draft later.
Drinking :sweet tea Paul made, it's extra sweet 
Looking: at the dog and Ricky napping
Playing: with the idea of dying my hair
Wasting: time
Sewing: no way
Wishing: I could leave for my Japan trip tomorrow
Enjoying: life
Waiting: for the weekend
Liking: having new friends
Wondering: what to send my mom for mother's day
Loving: dinner last night with friends and wine
Hoping: to get a nice mother's day gift from Paul
Marvelling: at how much has changed in a year
Needing: a nap
Smelling: summer wish, yankee candle
Wearing: shorts, t-shirt and headband (the usual)
Following: my heart
Noticing: the dog needs a bath
Knowing: I need to work out this week
Thinking: About all the laundry I need to do
Feeling: happy
Bookmarking: summer outfits
Opening: myself to the possibility of new friendship
Giggling: at myself for doing this instead of laundry 
Date night on Tuesday 

Our date night this week 

Living at the beach because our apartment is so hot 

A year ago 

Mondays suck!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Today we had to say goodbye to some of our really good Hawaii friends, they are also a Navy family so we knew this day was coming but nonetheless it sucks. Not only were we neighbors but we had our pregnancies together and our babies love playing together. Like all friends you make in this "nomad"life style we will see them again and now we have friends in California that we can always count on.  After getting breakfast and dinner together I drove them back to their hotel and we said our goodbyes not only did our little ones hold hands in the car (adorable) but then they ignored each other when it was time to say goodbye. We drove back home to an empty house because dad was in class and as soon as I put Ricky in his bath, he POOPED! ........and that is why Mondays suck. He had never done it before so I didn't know what to do, I kind of just gasped and tried to get him out of there fast. So much for Mondays :/

I love weddings

Monday, May 5, 2014

Last year we went to Colorado to be a part of this wedding, this is the original post. Yesterday I got to see some of the pictures for the first time and it made me realize that I still have so many pictures fro my own wedding (three years ago) that have not been printed, fail. I loved this wedding so much I have to share these. A little background, the bride is a real life hula dancer ( amazing), the groom is a sailor from Texas and the event took place in Colorado. It was a real fusion of country meets Hawaii, in a mountain top log cabin bed and breakfast.

I love that log cabin in the back, gives the picture a rustic look. Yes that is my husband in a sling, his shoulder surgery was a week before the weeding. 

Love (swoon)

There were actual cowboys there

Instead of an annoying table full of sweets, there was a popcorn bar!
Not a big deal if your not a beer fan, but they had my favorite Hawaiian beer ;) 

Hula dancing

Ricky's First Birthday

I didn't want this day to be something that was all about how much money I could spend trying to recreate something on Pinterest or a party to impress anyone. I wanted it to be a day that we all enjoyed, something simple and fun that parents and kids could enjoy, with people that have been a support system since the day he was born. That is exactly how it turned out, we swam, eat cake and smiled :)

This might only be interesting to you, if your Ricky's grandparents, sorry. :) 

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