Getting my body back

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I've been absent from my blog for the most part because I always think of something to write and think it's a great idea, when I finally sit down to write it, I draw a blank.

For the other part I've been absent because I went back to working out, not like the usual jog in the morning or walking the dog (although, that counts). It's more like going to the gym twice a day for at least an hour. Next week starts the real torture when I begin my "boot camp" sessions on top of twice a day workouts. Not only am I extremely sore but I also am having the best time, my stress level is way down, I have more energy to do things around the house and play with Ricky.

I really do feel amazing and even  if I never go back to looking like I did before I was pregnant (stretch marks will never go away) I'm okay with that.  Im still the usual me, in classic Gaby mode last night I went to yoga class and since I dressed in a hurry, my yoga pants were inside out! I had dinner about an hour before and all that stretching you know, what happened ( I let one go). I was trying not to laugh out loud and I'm pretty sure everyone heard but you wouldn't know it was me, because I just held my pose like a yoga master. Then I laughed about it all the way home and I am going back next week!

Before baby 

9 Months pregnant

Still working on after baby

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