Colorado Part II

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It's officially October! It's the beginning of all the fun holidays, Halloween and then Thanksgiving and my all time favorite Christmas! It's just around the corner. Last blog I talked about Denver and the airplane ride from Hawaii to Colorado. Well after spending two great days in Denver we headed to Colorado Springs, it's about an hour and a half away from Denver. The Wedding took place at a beautiful bead and breakfast, it was all wood cabins with cute little decor and it was up in the mountains so the view was amazing. Outdoor weddings are the best in my opinion, the air is so fresh and there is something about being close to nature that makes me think of peace and all things beautiful. It was an amazing experience that I won't soon forget, I cried the whole ceremony of course. It made me look back on my own weeding, our anniversary is in two days :) It's been three wonderful years.  I sidetrack (sorry) the next step was the flight back, the way there was peaceful with all of us sleeping the whole way there. On the way back...not so much. Ricky was up almost the whole time, crying or screaming, I was up with him walking the plane looking embarrassed and apologizing. Luckily he did settle down and everyone, including the flight attendants were so nice about the whole thing. One nice lady even offered to hold Ricky so I could have a break, there was a changing table in one of the bathrooms and I was escorted to it by the attendant, she also kept bringing me drinks and even held my drink while I got up with Ricky :) It could have been worse so I just kept being grateful for all the nice passengers on board.  If I ever find myself in that situation again, I will just remember that other people have been in my spot before and that they will understand for those that don't oh well, I won't likely see them ever again so F*orget them :) 

Here are some pictures:

Ricky being a good baby watching Baby Einstein while I helped with wedding stuff 
 The ceremony area

Ricky being the honorary groomsmen 

He was a handsome groomsmen (sling and all)
This was too cute
One of my favorite things about the weeding, the bride Hula danced! 

The best part was all the great friends and family that came together

Glad to be back! Congratulations to  Stephen and Carly 

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