Ricky is 5 months old

Thursday, October 3, 2013

This little boy just keeps growing, he loves to laugh and he is in the phase where he discovers new sounds and just wants to keep making them. For example, he insists on blowing raspberries in every ones face and he loves kissing sounds which he can now make. He can also sit up all on his own for a little bit. He sleeps almost all night, only waking up to eat and have a diaper change. I am so excited to see him enjoy his first Holiday this month when he will be Batman for Halloween!

This month's dad's proudest moment was when he decided to make a cake and then got batter all over the place including all over Ricky :)

Mommies proudest moment happened at rehearsal dinner when I realized Ricky had pooped through his diaper and onto my white sweater! not to mention my husband pointed out in front of half the wedding party (embarrassing) that stain never came out :/

Ricky's favorite toys are the excersaucer and any random tag he can get his little hands on. I never cut tags off clothes or toys because he is more entertained by them than the actual toy. He is loving Baby Einstein videos and we are taking him to his first Gymboree play and learn class this week!

I think he loves fall just as much as I do 

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