Broadway shows and screaming kids

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I am not one to pass judgement on any parent that has a screaming or crying child in public, I get that it happens BUT not if it happens during the Lion King and I paid good money to watch a show that ends at 10:30pm on a weekday AND left my kid at home.  Let me begin by saying that my day started off shitty, literally..Liko (our dog) although house trained decided to poop all over the house as Ricky innocently followed him trying to grab it. There I was chasing both of them, did I mention it was 6am?!

We eventually got it together and I managed to make some coffee only to spill it all over the floor when Ricky rammed his walker into the back of my heels. Fast forward to the "relaxing" part of my day when I got to take these awesome pictures at the beach. This action shot below sums up what he did the entire time. There was sand in all sorts of places and I had to get it out of his mouth a couple of times.

By the time we got home I was beyond exhausted and ready for Paul to walk in the door, when he finally did we both managed to shower and get ready while going through the bed time routine with Ricky. Once the babysitter was here I was ready to pass out but instead drank a cup of coffee and regained some enthusiasm to see the show.

As soon as I sat down all I really wanted to do was scream WT%^*#?! not only were there school aged kids there (which was fine) but there was tons of toddlers and babies! Now before you say anything or form a negative opinion hear me out. For one the show ends late and I know for a fact there are not many two year olds out there who can make it a whole 3 hours without getting restless and are cool with loud noises in the dark.  Secondly if you are going to bring your toddler to a show like this please don't get the best seats in the house, and finally if you know for a fact your kid will cry and does start to cry (loudly) were we can hear it over the orchestra and the actors... please have the courtesy to get up and walk out!

Maybe it's because I was already having a long day and I was tired or because it never occurred to me for a second that I could bring a 9 month old to see a Broadway show, whatever the reason it was  suppose to be relaxing and entertaining. Instead it was like trying to watch it with Ricky right there on my lap :/

What do you think about bringing kids to the theater?

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