A post thats NOT about babies or motherhood

Saturday, March 8, 2014

We have been keeping busy around here with visitors from out of town, teething and our fast approaching move. This past week one of my friends from my very first days in the Army came to visit me. We had a great time BUT I also realized a couple of things, before we get to that part here are some   pictures of her visit.

                                 I really need to start getting into some of these pictures

The unpleasant fact that came to light while she was visiting, happened the night  that Paul stayed home with baby and I got to have a night out on the town with some friends. After a night of dancing and good food we settled into conversing about our days in the service and quickly realized that as many stories about adventures and visiting foreign countries all three of us also had a story about being SEXUALLY HARASSED. I am not one to talk about hot button issues or get involved in candid affairs, everyone has an opinion and it should be respected but having lived it and knowing that so many other women have experienced it, leads me to believe that its a very real problem.

From my very limited seven years of service I can safely say that not only have I been invited out on dates by people who were my superiors as well as approached inappropriately by people who were my fellow soldiers. It always surprised me how casually these things seemed to happen and no one cared. It's sad to say but by around year thee it no longer surprised me and to be honest, it was expected. At some point it was even normal to me and I decided to just live with it and ignore it.

The biggest deal in any place I ever served was always staying safe, making sure you didn't get raped, harassed or got drunk without a buddy to help you get home safe. The amazing thing is, it always seemed ridiculous to me until I heard about these things happening and personally know women that it happened to. When I joined the Army it never occurred to me that this would be something I was signing up for.

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