Co sleeping like we just don’t care

Monday, August 12, 2013

I could not stop thinking about the whole co sleeping thing all weekend so here are my thoughts on it. Which by the way are just that MY thoughts, I am NOT an expert, or a Doctor I am a MOMMY.

This is what I know:   Getting Ricky to bed at night was a constant struggle, even if he went down, he would eventually be back up in about an hour and the process began all over again. Out of sheer desperation I put him down in our bed one night almost completely awake and I lay down next to him. He fused around for about 2 minutes before he relaxed into a peaceful sleep. I was beyond thrilled and so tired that I dozed off myself, that night I got the best sleep since I brought him home. When he would wake to feed, I would simply put him to my chest, no crying, he would eat and doze off again. We began doing this more and more. After a week of this we got into a rhythm, once he was asleep I would get up and leave him in bed with the monitor on I would go on about some chores or watching television downstairs. When we were ready for bed, he would stir a bit and then relax, he stretches his arms out towards me and as soon as he confirms I am there he relaxes into sleep again. My husband no longer has to wake up in the middle of the night to rock him back into sleep so he can go in his crib. He sleeps all night, and he loves it. I know some people would say that we are doing the wrong thing that it’s dangerous, that we are increasing his chance of SIDS and to those people I say, he is my baby, I am his mother and I know best.  He sleeps in pajamas, thin ones, he uses a small blanket and I use my own blanket that never goes over him, there is something about being a parent that instinctively alerts you to the fact that baby is in bed with you, even if you are sleeping. I cannot prove this with any kind of scientific research. I just know that before he shared our bed I was one crazy sleeper. Now I can relax into one position and wake up in the same one, I also know that my husband would rather sleep all night then have his whole side of the bed. If you are wondering if I was ever scared to do this I can sincerely say I was scared as hell. I was scared that I would squish him, that he would suffocate in the sheets, that he would someone roll off. Then I realized that the fear was not there before I read horror stories online. There was never ending negative articles out there about co sleeping but that fear is not natural, some instinct inside of me told me it was perfectly fine to want to have baby next to me.


Every night we sleep together, we wake up together and when he stirs I stir. When we wake up in the morning and get ready to start our day he never cries, I just know he is awake and he smiles making me feel like today is going to be a good day J that’s my story I hope that it makes all co sleepers out there not scared to let people know that they share their bed. Because at the end of the day it is no one’s business but your own!  


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