I am sad
to say Ricky and I are having some breastfeeding troubles. For the last two
days he has been refusing to nurse, it’s actually stranger than that, he will
feed on one side and then only at night time when he wakes up. Other than that
he takes a bottle instead, as you can imagine this has been harder for me than
him. I was a total emotional mess; thinking that my poor baby is confused
because I spend all day at work and have to bottle feed him breast milk. I told
myself while I was still pregnant that if breast feeding did not work out for
us I would not be torn up about it (but it’s hard!). I am still pumping and of
course I am not going to give up. This just makes me wonder if this happens to
everyone, anyone out there experiencing the same, thing? I am determined to
find answers here people. La Leche League does exist out here in Hawaii, but
on a real note they have meetings like at 2pm! Seriously?! I work all day and I work in the male
dominated arena that is the US Army. My boss is cool, but come on I can’t be
like “I need to take a couple of hours off to go to my breast feeding support
group” the response would probably be
something like “Umm say that again, what?” I am grateful that my work
environment allows me to pump at least twice a day without a problem and with
privacy. I don’t want to push it too far, and I feel this is common among other
mothers in the military. We don’t want to appear less efficient than our male
counterparts simply because we are mothers. That being said, we also need to
stand up for each other and not give each other grief for missing work when our
kids are sick or the babysitter falls through, that happens to all of us. In my
experience for the last 7years in the Army women are often other women biggest
critics, I don’t know why we do it, but come one! Let’s give each other some
support because lord knows we are not going to get any sympathy from our male
counterparts about our baby problems. I apologize for this turning into a rant,
I will get off my soap box now and leave you with some good online finds if you
are also experiencing any breastfeeding issues.
I know
it’s not Friday, but we are almost there!
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