Mommy needs a nap

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I never realized how compleatly exhausting being a mom is until I lost my phone......everyday for a week straight :/ I was the one with the good memory, that never lost anything. My husband was the one constantly loosing everything, I always tell him if he was going to rob a bank he would forget the gun. Now it's me, everyone says you get "pregnancy brain" what about "tired mommy brain"  There are times when I really think I am just gonna loose it but then I look at this sweet little face and its worth it :) Plus he now goes to bed at 8 every day (praise the lord!) and I can have a glass of wine at the end of the day. Sure I wish it was  beer but you have to take what you can get ;)
The most peaceful moments of my day. and God help you if you wake him up
Newborn sleep AKA the days I use to be able to take baths!
This thing works like a charm :) I can maybe make myself  a sandwich while he is in this magic swing. 

Happy Napping!

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