Turning 27

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Today I turned 27 and I changed Ricky's onesie 5 times. He had what I call a huge blowout and lets just say another onesie bites the dust. He has very "active" bowel movements. In the process of changing all these diapers and baby spit up I reflected upon my 27 years upon this earth and decided it hasn't been that bad. I don't have a college degree, I don't have a high paying job, I'm not on real housewives of  Orange county( those bitches have it made!) but hey I do have a job where I feel like I can help others and give back, I left my home as a 20 something year old kid and found my own way, got over a lot of fears and made great friends. I also got to meet my husband and we get along most days :) plus I don't mind changing Ricky's diapers all day long because you know what at the end of the day I get to have sushi and ONE wonderful grown up beverage ( because hell yeah!, I pumped today) then I get some fat kid cake and to be with my mommy and brothers and ofcourse my wonderful hubby :) 
Look at that little squish! We got our sushi on

The birthday festivities will continue this weekend and my brother is in town so I am playing tour guide all week. Let's see how being 27 feels starting tomorrow and hopefully tomorrow we wont have any blowouts ;)

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