School, teething, Mindy Kaling and public transportation.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Since last I bored you all with tales of my toddlers horrible sleeping patterns, he took a turn for the best and successfully self-soothed (2 days in a row!). Then he took a turn into the teething lane and so began the nightmare that have been the past couple of days. He twists and turns half the night, developed a low-grade fever (102) for the first time ever, which naturally scared the crap out of me so I had to stay up all night monitoring it every two hours. Thankfully I discovered Mindy Kaling's book, she's a life saver. Between 4am toddler wake ups and doses of Tylenol her intelligent and witty humor kept me sane. If you haven't read her book yet, you owe it to yourself. It's an easy read and it's so refreshing to read that someone loves her parents,encourages young women to go to college, not be promiscuous and  be the "smart girl". I love her.

My car as well as all most of my belongings are across the Pacific making their way to me as we speak, until then I have been forced to take public transportation around town, mostly to school. Classes haven't begun yet but there are an amazing amount of forms and such that I need to fill out and long lines I need to stand in (bureaucracy). It was on such a trip, that I meet a remarkable woman, she was remarkable in the sense that she made me feel like a complete idiot. For the last couple of months I've had some erroneous sense that I am so cool and awesome for being a mom that is now going back to school after eight years. This woman not only attends full time classes, with a part time job, and no car but she also has three kids! ( and no husband). Seriously?! she's a amazing. I'm over here just taking a stroll in the park, talk about humbling.

Now that I'm back on Earth, please slap me if I complain once about how hard school is in. Class starts Monday :)

I ordered this shirt in hopes of not looking like the "mom" in class. 

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