Once upon a time

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Today began like every other day, early the baby was up and Paul was off to work. The usual routine commenced and then I saw a letter that had been pinned to the wall in the kitchen. It was from my husband, odd I thought and sat down to read it. In it he told me about one of his co workers asking how we meet such a simple question brought back so m any memories. There it was laid out for me, his feelings from the very beginning, how much he loved me and how much he forgets to tell me that he appreciates me as a mother and a wife.

It was the sweetest, simplest thank you from him I have ever received. Then it made me cry to remember all the times that I forget who we were, how we feel in love and how much I still love him. Sometimes it's hard to step away from the everyday things that occupy our lives to stop and appreciate the things that really matter.

At one point after Ricky was born we went through a very rough spot, I was always tired from both work and taking care of the house and baby. Sometimes I admit, there was anger towards him, he wasn't' doing enough. The resentment grew until finally one day it felt like I was living with a stranger who I didn't talk to and we just went on with our lives separately. Through the whole thing, he was supportive tried to talk to me and asked me to get help. It was hard to admit that I needed help. Women have babies everyday and they deal with the stress, they have careers and husbands and houses to keep, so why was it so hard for me? I didn't know how to ask for help but I also didn't know that the whole time Paul was watching me and noticed all I did.

Today won't be like every other day because I will stop and say "thank you", "I love you" and it means the world to me that your are a wonderful husband and father. Don't forget about your "Once upon a time" and remember to make time for "The happily ever after" part too.

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