Bed time troubles

Sunday, February 16, 2014

We know that 9 months is a little late for self-soothing but hear me out, we tried it for a while back when he was 6 months old and it was a royal pain in the A. Then we had a house guest and had to move him back into our room because we didn't want them to be woken up by his crying, when we went to visit family for a whole month it was virtually impossible to leave him in a room to "cry it out" I didn't feel it was fair because it was a new place and the time difference was messing with his schedule. Now that we are back and in a new place we decided to give it another try, yesterday was the first night he got a bath,  lullaby and was nursed then I placed him in the playpen (his crib was not up yet) and let him cry for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes all I did was go in and pat him on the back while I sang to him and he went right to sleep.

My heart broke for those whole 10 minutes by the way, tonight after  spending all afternoon fixing up his room in the new house we did it again and he didn't even cry. The poor little fella just sat up in his crib until he passed out face first into the crib, it was a heart breaking sight. When Paul went in there and saw him like that, he picked him up and laid him flat on his back. Ricky woke up! I almost killed Paul and after another round of soothing he fell asleep again just the same way. Ricky actually did a great job he didn't cry himself to sleep but after a little talk between Paul and I we felt more comfortable bringing him back in our room.

We are some softies! Ricky will never leave our room at this point, he is currently in bed with us ( we have been co-sleeping since he was about  3 months) yes I know it can be bad but hey, he is able to fall asleep on his own, literally he touches the bed (our bed) and he is out and he naps on his own. Don't worry I know one day we will want him out of our bed, but right now we say F you Ferber method we just love having him with us too much and look forward to rocking him at least until he leaves for college (JK) ;)

Sweet, naked baby sleep 

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