First day

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The first time I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to start a blog he was 100% behind me (to my surprise) I started reading blogs when I found out I was pregnant with our first baby. I had so many questions and was looking for ideas on how to balance my already busy schedule with a brand new baby. There are so many great blogs out there, so I started thinking about starting my own. This is a blog about my experiences as a mommy/soldier/navy wife/ do it yourself craftmaster more like I am obsessed with HGTV and Pintrest and try DIY projects all the time! In my spare time I am also writing this blog, running an Etsy shop along with my mom, but that's a whole other post. Then of course I also choose to breastfeed my baby so I have A LOT going on. I promise to share as much as possible on the blog, to never be fake and especially not pretend that I have all the answers because I am still figuring it out. I am so blessed to have my little family, my job, and my friends. I hope that at the end of a hard day my posts make you laugh,cry, and ultimately you take away a little something for your own life.

Lots of Love and good wishes to you,

 Gaby Roper

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