Paleo diet

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I will try to explain what the diet entails in my own words, it means I don't get to eat delicious nachos, which my mom devoured last night right in front of me while I ate a salad :(


Seriously the whole explanation is here, in a nutshell you eat no grains! no dairy! no legumes and no sugar, also lower your sodium intake. Apparently all the delicious foods contain all this stuff. I am doing this diet for a total of 50 days and I am on day 3. My motivation for doing it is eating healthier and living a better life. Lets get REAL I just want to wear a TWO PIECE again. This picture is my motivation.
I know I will never look exactly like this again, thanks to  my stretch marks. I weighed about 110lbs here! and granted it's not about weight. It's about being healthy and feeling good. This is why I am on this diet. I have read several Paleo blogs and fitness blogs to get ideas on what to cook and how to fool myself into thinking I can have dessert. I chew sugar free gum like crazy I also LOVE coffee and started switching to green tea instead. I still get the caffeine but not in large amounts. I also LOVE drinking 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks every once in a while I will indulge that. I cut out beer, which has a lot of carbs and instead have mixed drinks. In moderation of course because they can have a lot of sugar and I breast feed so I have to tap into my stash of pumped milk as well.

So far  I have almost tackled my 7 year old brother the ground to steal a piece of chocolate :( not my proudest moment and I almost..ALMOST snuck one of those delicious nachos last night. But I didn't! I am staying strong. I will keep updating the blog on my Paloe challenge and of course do some before and after pictures.

By the way...HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!!

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