Working mommy guilt

Friday, August 2, 2013

I have always known that being  a working mom was going to be hard and I've heard other people say how hard it was. Today I really felt it for the first time, I have been working long hours this week and it looks like my husband will have to do the same. My mom has been watching Ricky for about a month now, she goes back to CA on Saturday and I am really grateful for her coming out here. I am always able to calm Ricky when he is having a fussy spell, I hold him and shush him and he will grab onto me and calm down and sleep. Tonight I wasn't able to calm him and it took my mom one second to hold him and he settled right down.

It made me literally start crying, I feel like he is so use to spending his days with her that he would rather have her than me. That hurts, I know that there is nothing I can do because I need to buy those diapers lol I just wish there was an easier way. Just wanted to share my thoughts for all those moms who are also working hard every day out there.

On a less serious note Ricky will be three months old tomorrow and I have some awesome pictures to share but that will come I stayed up late, even though I have work at 5am ( UGH!) just to shop for some fall clothes, it does get a little chilly even here in HI :)

Like I said, the husband is working late. SO I did a little online shopping ; ) found all this stuff @ Carters online. Isn't it  cute?! can't wait to put Ricky in it.

Good night!

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