Our weekend and getting my body back (part II)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My brother is in town, I have one week left until I leave for Japan and exactly eight days until I turn 28.  Not counting down the days until we move to California ( 20!) well maybe, only because I am somewhere between total horror and excitement. Last month I blogged about my bucket list for Hawaii and this past weekend was definitely one of the best so far, it's places like these that will make miss this place so much. It's also times like these that make realize there is so much more fun to be had and new places to discover, maybe we can instill some of our wonder lust on Ricky. Oh and by the way.... check me out! I'm still a normal girl and by that I mean my thighs still touch and I don't wear a size 0 , no offense if you do but that will never be me and that's o.k ;) Im pretty proud of myself for being able to fit back into this 14 months after having a baby.

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