Eating solids

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ricky just turned 9 months old and is now only nursing 3 times a day, eating solids and snacking. He is in a walker, running all over the house. He loves to play peek a boo and clap his hands, he has also mastered opening cabinets and doors. I initially had a hard time deciding what kind of solids to start him off on, introducing foods and how often to feed and how much. I can say we are in a good place now and all my fears about feeding him too many different foods is gone, he is such a great eater and nothing he has tried has made him sick. Here is what his typical menu looks like:

Breakfast: Banana, toast, eggs

Lunch: Apple slices, baby rice crackers, carrots

Snack: baby cookies or orange slices

Dinner: A veggie like sweet potato or green beans

Other favorites are jello, pears, rice and grapes, mac and cheese, waffles and pancakes.

I cook most of it but the fruits I just cut up small enough for him to hold, he does great and only has two teeth. The best thing about starting solids is how fast they learn to eat any food you give them, don't stress about the food being super mashed up as long as it's soft they figure it out. I would also not even bother with baby food, they really will just start eating food off your plate. Which brings me to my next point, ever since Ricky started solids I really watch what I eat because I know hes going to want some of what mommy is having.

Rice and strawberries 

Here is another good example that I looked at when I started feeding Ricky solids.


  • 141cup cereal or mashed egg
  • 141cup fruit, diced (if your child is self- feeding)
  • 4–6 oz. formula/breastmilk


  • 4–6 oz. breastmilk/formula or water
  • 1cup diced cheese or cooked vegetables


  • 141cup yogurt or cottage cheese or meat
  • 141cup yellow or orange vegetables
  • 4–6 oz. formula/breastmilk


  • 1 teething biscuit or cracker
  • 1cup yogurt or diced (if child is self-feeding) fruit Water


  • 1cup diced poultry, meat, or tofu
  • 141cup green vegetables
  • 1cup noodles, pasta, rice, or potato
  • 1cup fruit
  • 4–6 oz. formula/breastmilk

Before Bedtime

  • 6–8 oz. formula/breastmilk or water (If formula or breastmilk, follow with water or brush teeth afterward.)

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