Goodbye 2013

Thursday, January 2, 2014

We are still at grandmas house in California, missing the weather in Hawaii ( and the Mac). Ricky is 8 months old today and we had to say goodbye to dad, who has to go back to work. On New Years Eve we all made tamales, and it was amazing to see all my family come together to help cook. My mom has been making tamales every year around the holidays since I can remember but this year was special because all the boys in the family are all grown up and we have babies running around. My mom finally gave me her recipe, but I probably won't be using the for a while ( its a long process! ) well worth it :) It was delicious. Ricky continues to wake up more often at night and so his day naps have gotten longer, I hope it's just a phase. He is on the move in his walker and gets  little braver everyday. Today he stood up without holding on to anything for a good minute before realizing it! He will be walking very soon, so the coffee might have to get stronger.He has grown so much it's amazing to me how curious and sweet he is, he loves his abuelita ( grandmother) who is teaching him Spanish and the fine art of eating healthy. She makes him baby  food everyday, today was carrots and tomorrow he is having pear, by the way he is an avid mango lover. I hope you all had a great time on new years day and best of luck in 2014! I know it's already the 2nd but hey, the Christmas tree is still up at our house.

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