Richard Gabriel

Sunday, January 19, 2014

When I was pregnant, my "feeling" that I would be having a girl was so strong that I decided to let my husband pick the babies name. The agreement was if it was a boy, he would decide, if it was a girl I would. Obviously my "feeling" was way off and when the name Richard was proposed I threw up a decisive NO. My husband's father's name is Richard, my brothers name is Ricardo ( too many Richards). That was only one of my arguments I also had this crazy fear that he would be teased, I mean his last name is Roper and a short form of Richard is Dick ( to my horror). I know that kids can be mean and rude so for some crazy reason I felt it was a bad idea. My mind was changed of course, and this is the good part of the story. When I was four months of pregnant I decided to share the name choice with someone, to my shock they decided to tell me they hated it, excuse me?!  You don't get to say that! you get to be polite and say "oh, that's nice" end of story. After that I didn't care for anyone's opinion and went right with Richard, let someone try to pick on Ricky and they will have a very angry mom on their hands. Everyone knows you don't mess with an angry mom. Grandpa Rick hasn't met his little man yet but he will very soon (shh! it's a surprise ) Grandpa Gabriel (who is my dad) meet Ricky on our latest trip to CA and those two love each other. They just go around the house reeking havoc. I am glad that we didn't choose a name because it was on the top 100best baby names or because everyone thought it was "cute" this is a name that means family and love.

Hiking buddies

A post about shopping

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Before anyone gets excited at the mention of the word, this post is about NOT shopping, that's right I've officially gone insane and some inner world peace, end world hunger part has emerged. I've decided to spend 2014 without buying any new clothes or shoes (typing that physically hurt). It's all for a good cause, after watching a world vision commercial I decided that as a mother there is nothing worse than seeing a child starve. Since I no longer have an income because stay at home moms don't get paid (which is BS) I have to give up something in my life to contribute to the cause. Thought about it and decided there is nothing I need less than clothes, my closet is super full but I wear about 10% of what I own. I rock yoga pants and t-shirts on a daily basis and I've got enough running shoes to last me a life time, it's sad really. Hopefully this will help me concentrate on the more important things in life or it could also make me addicted to shopping for Ricky! (Just kidding) wish me luck ;) and best of luck on your goals for 2014. If you would like to sponsor a child for 2014 just check out

©2013 Lindsey Minerva/World Vision
10. Abu, 13, of Sierra Leone received a goat from World Vision. When his family didn't have money to pay for secondary school, they were able to sell a goat to pay for his school fees. He currently has two goats. His father lives away from the family, and his mother Jenneh is the breadwinner for her 5 sons. The goats are a great help in caring for her family. Abu helps to care for the goats, like this one in this April picture. He hopes to be a carpenter when he grows up.

12 in 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Linking up with mybabybirds blog to do 12 in 2014. One portrait every month for 12 months. Starting today! If you want to link up just visit and add the link to the portrait of your little ones on the 15th of every month.

My little love is growing so fast and he loves bath time

2014 goals

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Apparently instead of making goals this year the "thing to do" in the blogging world is to pick a word that will inspire everything you do in 2014, well whatever I'm not picking a word. That's right, I said whatever like I'm 14 and don't care. There are way too many words that I can think of and none of them sound as profound as lucid, honest, brave and so on (barf) sorry if you picked a word and feel like I'm poking fun but really I'm just not that "deep". This year is all about buckling down and living on one income, moving, leaving jobs and starting school. There is just too much unknown for me to even begin to try and define 2014. It will be what it will be, I'm just going to take it one day at a time.

Goodbye 2013

Thursday, January 2, 2014

We are still at grandmas house in California, missing the weather in Hawaii ( and the Mac). Ricky is 8 months old today and we had to say goodbye to dad, who has to go back to work. On New Years Eve we all made tamales, and it was amazing to see all my family come together to help cook. My mom has been making tamales every year around the holidays since I can remember but this year was special because all the boys in the family are all grown up and we have babies running around. My mom finally gave me her recipe, but I probably won't be using the for a while ( its a long process! ) well worth it :) It was delicious. Ricky continues to wake up more often at night and so his day naps have gotten longer, I hope it's just a phase. He is on the move in his walker and gets  little braver everyday. Today he stood up without holding on to anything for a good minute before realizing it! He will be walking very soon, so the coffee might have to get stronger.He has grown so much it's amazing to me how curious and sweet he is, he loves his abuelita ( grandmother) who is teaching him Spanish and the fine art of eating healthy. She makes him baby  food everyday, today was carrots and tomorrow he is having pear, by the way he is an avid mango lover. I hope you all had a great time on new years day and best of luck in 2014! I know it's already the 2nd but hey, the Christmas tree is still up at our house.

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