So far

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

 We just had a four day weekend, I got to sleep in for two days in a row and it was glorious! My wonderful husband got up with the baby and I actually slept until 11 one day. I had no idea I could sleep for that long.

Rough but, I am trying 
We enjoyed a hike and some Halloween decorating. We also decided to start some puzzles and it has become my favorite thing to do at the end of the day. I tired my hand at making caramel apples, I am one of those people that see something on pinterest and then just go for it myself. Well I tried real caramel candies, needless to say it was a Pinterest FAIL! I burned the whole thing and in frustration tossed it in the trash. I am not one to be defeated so easily so I totally cheated and bought the Pillsbury caramel frosting, easy melt in the microwave add some chocolate sprinkles and you have yourself a Pinterest win! ;) I would LOVE to decorate the outside of our home, but having pumpkins outside in Hawaii weather is a big no no :( One of the big things I miss about cool weather. 

The puzzle in the works. We don't have a puzzle table so we used a hard poster for a surface

The one that was just completed 

Fall decorations in the living room 
 After church on Sunday we went to get lunch at Subway and just out of curiosity we put Ricky in a high chair. Wouldn't you know it, he can sit in one! That prompted a quick Amazon search (by far the best place to buy baby crap)and now we have these beauties on the way.

This is going with us to the beach 

Matches our current dinning room table perfectly and it folds 

This looks like something you get issued as Army gear, so of course I got it

Looking forward to using these and writing a little review. Also look out for our next blog post! We had a photo session with EP photography today and I have a feeling it turned out AMAZING.

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