A letter to myself about letting go

Monday, October 21, 2013

With so many things about to change for our family right now and our busy schedule I decided tonight while putting Ricky to bed that I need to let things go. I need to stop doing random chores (vacuuming at 9pm) doing laundry at 6 in the morning and just relax. I cannot be perfect, that admission  to myself is a hard one to make. I cannot breast feed, cloth diaper, make organic baby food, work-out and have a pinterest perfect house without being a complete mess in some area of my life. It's just not possible, I have to stop stressing about dirty dishes and dirty laundry and watch my baby grow. If by some random chance you are doing ALL of the above mentioned kudos to you! also know, you have the envy of every mother I know and you deserve some sort of award. I'm not saying that I am just going to let my house become a dump, but I have to face the facts, raising a child is a damn hard job. And I've been doing two jobs in fact I have been doing three because I am also a wife. If I am quitting my Army job that means all my energy and time is now dedicated to my other two jobs and that means only one thing, I need to put all my energy into turning Ricky into a decent human being with deep self respect for himself and others. I am responsible for teaching him about life and molding his character, that is my job and that means I have to let go. It's okay if we eat out sometimes, if we use paper plates once in a while and if the laundry just stacks up as long as my priority is to enjoy my son every day and tell him I love him before bed. That is all that matters. 

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