Oh no!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Let me just begin by saying one thing: don't judge me! I swear it was an accident and I would never intentionally hurt Ricky. There I was changing his diaper and getting him into some new clothes because it was one of those times when you go to change a poop diaper and then pee goes everywhere ( if you have a baby boy you know what I mean) it's like a fountain! So anyway I usually put him down on the bed and proceed with the necessary motions...well today I turned my back for what seemed like one second and then I heard "thud!" And there he was on the floor a look of shock on his face. I immediately panicked and my heart stopped ( I swear it did) well my face must have looked pretty scary because he started screaming and ofcourse I picked him up and inspected every inch of him to make sure he was alright. He's just fine and he cried for maybe a minute but my heart just broke! Has this ever happened to you guys? I never thought it would happen to me but here I am. That little guy is on the move its official. The funny thing is my mom recently told me about how I rolled out my bed as a toddler.  And I was all judgmental "mom, who puts a three year old in a bunk bed?!" We'll I guess karma does exsist.

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