11 month update

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Been slacking on these also need to update the baby book in case machines rule the world one day and all internet servers crash (it could happen).

I digress, Ricky is 11 months old and getting into everything he was before plus some new stuff since he is taller and can tip toe to reach the kitchen table. He really is freakishly baby strong, he can open the refrigerator door and the dryer door. He has taken over our entire living room with all his toys and since his first birthday is fast approaching, we will need to spread his domain into the dinning room as well.

His teeth have been pretty slow to come in, he has a total of 3 so far and the others are peeking out, just not coming through yet. He has a solid sleep schedule as well as meal time schedule. Their really isn't anything he wont eat, except pureed veggies and oatmeal cereal. He will eat the veggies if I cook them, but not pureed (weird). He also loves avocado ( my favorite) and strawberries. He says things like ma ma and papa and sometimes calls his dad Paul, he even said Gaby once or twice.

His favorite toy looks like a little house, which he spends hours climbing on and pretending to "live in". I ring the door bell, he opens the door and laughs. We do it for at least 20 minutes every day, then he is in all the kitchen cabinets slamming pots and pans, his personal favorite is climbing into the jumper, crying because he wants to get out, and then climbing in again (sigh).

This day I was watching a DVD on how to take better pictures, he was in "his house" 

I took this picture because he lined this all up himself, and then just knocked them over...?

I need to be quicker with the camera, he took about 5 steps this day.

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